Peter-Paul Koch




CSS Day 2017 + Browser API Special



Constraint Validation

Form validation is literally the oldest trick in the JavaScript book: it was just about the only thing you could use JavaScript for in Netscape 2. Nowadays the state of the art has advanced with the Constraint Validation API and the CSS :invalid pseudo-class. That sounds great ... until you actually try to use them. In this presentation PPK will discuss how the API works, why it is not all that great, and draw some valuable lessons about how not to design APIs. He'll also tell you how to validate your forms properly.

Slides of the presentationPresentation Video

Peter-Paul Koch




CSS Day 2016 + HTML Special




Do you remember layer? If you do, you also remember Netscape 4, and probably not fondly. And if you remember Netscape 4 you also remember most of web history, as I do. What is browsers' game? Why all the incompatibilities? And what about browser detects vs feature detects? We all know the second is superior to the first, but sometimes it just doesn't work. In this session PPK is going to give a broad, historical overview of where we were, where we are, where we're going to, and why.

Slides of the presentationPresentation Video

Peter-Paul Koch


CSS Day 2014


The Mobile Viewports

What are the three viewports? (Spoiler: layout, visual, and ideal.) Why do we need all three? Why does responsive design work? (Not how. Why.) What happens when you set the meta viewport? How do browsers go wrong? (Spoiler: in plenty of innovative ways.) And what about resolution, or DPR? (Spoiler: it is not what you think it is.) In this session PPK, who spent more time on the mobile viewport than anyone not working for a browser vendor, answers these questions and more.

Slides of the presentationPresentation Video